5 Ways To Protect Your Skin From Summer Travel
Warm weather, long days and shorter nights – summer is the perfect season for traveling. But it’s important to remember that though travel can do wonders for the soul, it can also do a number on your body. Changing climates, not-so-clean airplane cabins, and increased sun exposure all take a heavy toll on your skin.
Fight these common travel-induced skin stressors with our top 5 ways to protect your skin on summer trips:
1. Recycled plane air is drying out your skin
The simple answer? H2O! When the beverage cart comes around, skip the coffee and alcohol – these can be dehydrating in an already dry cabin. Opt for water instead.
Lock in extra moisture by applying a hydrating face mask or overnight cream the night before you fly.
2. Your travel destination has a different climate than home
Going from a dry to a humid climate? Remember to pack lightweight clothing. Humid weather can cause you to sweat more, leading to increased breakouts (ick!).
On the flip side, if the weather is dry, apply more moisturizer than usual to keep your face hydrated all day. Try our Daily Face Repair – it soothes dry, sun-damaged skin.
3. Being outside all day in the sun
For travelers headed to the beach or simply spending more time outside, prolonged sun exposure can seriously damage your skin. Wearing tons of sunscreen is a must to prevent sunburns– the higher SPF, the better.
If you do get burned, applying aloe vera gel can soothe and help repair sunburns.
4. Jet lag is disrupting your sleep schedule
Heading across the pond? Crossing time zones can be taxing, as your body isn’t on its normal sleep schedule. Not getting enough rest can lead to puffy, baggy eyes and dull, tired-looking skin. Try taking a quick nap to get some extra energy.
If your complexion is still looking dull, applying a revitalizing face oil or undereye cream before going to bed helps rejuvenate your skin while you sleep.
5. Germs and bacteria in public places
Door handles, public transportation, recycled air in plane cabins, reused pillows and blankets on the plane – germs are everywhere, especially when you’re traveling. Always wash your hands or use hand sanitizer before you touch your face. Bring face wipes to wipe off all the impurities before getting off the plane.
There you have it – 5 tips for keeping your skin healthy and renewed when you’re on the road.
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